In which mode of MP820/840/850 can I play .SLS files as the screen saver? 分类 : 设定安装与操作使用 The slideshow screen saver of MP820/840/850 is only applicable to the Music mode. MP820/840 will run the default screen saver (Blank) in Record and Radio modes if the slideshow screen saver function is enabled. Is the answer helpful? 相关信息 音乐播放器有充电上的问题。 按压任何按键或接上电源充电,我的MP3 音乐播放器仍没有响应,请问我该如何处理? Lyrics are not displayed correctly on my MP3. How can I set the lyric syncing function? 技术支持 如果这个解答对您没有帮助,请您连络我们的技术支援部门 开始填写