In which mode of MP820/840/850 can I play .SLS files as the screen saver? 分类 : 设定安装与操作使用 The slideshow screen saver of MP820/840/850 is only applicable to the Music mode. MP820/840 will run the default screen saver (Blank) in Record and Radio modes if the slideshow screen saver function is enabled. Is the answer helpful? 相关信息 我的音乐播放器录音不清晰,该如何解决? 为何我的音乐播放器连接电脑却没有反应或出现死机等异常现象? Why can't I find or delete files in the music player? 技术支持 如果这个解答对您没有帮助,请您连络我们的技术支援部门 开始填写