Why does my Wi-Fi SD card have no Wi-Fi signal after used for a while on a Nikon camera? 分类 : 无线 / 网络与传输联机 Please kindly refer to the user's manual: (1) Turn on "Live view" mode, or (2) Adjust the settings from "Custom Settings menu"→"c2: Auto off Timers"→"Standby timer (auto meter off time)"→"Custom." Tune the timer to 30 minutes or as long as you wish. Is the answer helpful? 相关信息 SLC跟MLC有何差异? Why can't I see my photos in the Wi-Fi SD app? 在Windows下,如何将磁碟格式化为NTFS? 技术支持 如果这个解答对您没有帮助,请您连络我们的技术支援部门 开始填写